Transport & Specialised Logistics
Break Bulk
Clients are provided with a full logistics transport solution which operates nationwide and cross-border with the ability to transport any load from 1 ton to 34 tons.
These include several African countries such as Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Angola, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Specialised Transport
The specialised transport services include the delivery of abnormal loads which are intended for use by the construction and mining industry. This includes the utilisation of specialised vehicles such as trucks, abnormal and low bed variations, containerised cargo, as well as, hazchem-certified vehicles for the chemical industry.
Hendor Transport offers a range of sea cargo services and has established strong relationships with the world's major shipping lines. Services include port-to-port delivery as well as trans-shipment for time-sensitive orders.

We Use The Best Of The Best
Build for productivity, safety above all & economy with every trip
Our fleet consists of:
Contact us to book a 1 ton from our fleet.
Contact us to book a 4 ton truck from our fleet.
Contact us to book a 8 ton truck from our fleet.
Contact us to book a 12 ton truck from our fleet.
Contact us to book a 15 m Pantec truck from our fleet.
Contact us to book an 18 m Flat Beds | Tautliner truck from our fleet.